PAT Testing

PAT testing is also referred as portable electrical appliance testing and it’s rated as critical and most important part in health and safety policy in London. Research from Health and Safety policy have shown than 25% of all electrical related accident are all linked to portable appliances(PAT) used on-site.

Tough rules have been set up by electricity and work regulatory authorities to all responsible parties especially the employer, employee and the contractors to put into consideration Testing PAT Equipment’s to ensure they comply with the legal regulations requirements and put it into practice to eliminate risks and dangers resulting from use of these electrical equipment.

Due November 2012, Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) published 4th edition Code of practice for Testing and Inspection of Portable Electrical Appliances (ISBN: 978-1849196260) to form a guide line in the United Kingdom.

A relatively trained electrical component user can adopt the practice to check and maintain his Electrical equipment but definitely a formal visual inspection by a competent person is advised to clear the risk involved in different environments especially in circumstances like:

  • In facilities like hospitals, supermarkets, airports and schools where the public will use the appliances.
  • In circumstances like construction projects where employees must be supplied with the gadgets for use.
  • In situation like when company is supplied or need to hire these appliances.
  • In place where the appliances are repaired or serviced.

Benefits of PAT Testing

1. PAT Testing Eliminate the possibilities of fire occurrence related to electrical faults or short circuiting.

2. Certainly most accidents occur due to ignorance-thorough and regular safety check to all appliances in business will cost a penny to do a PAT Testing which of course is a good practice to save lives

3. PAT Tested equipment is more guaranteed and safe to use in our home stead where family are the beneficiaries.

It’s a public liability insurer requirement for employers and landlord/landlady to provide a full detailed report of all the appliances in private and public faculty in case of accident like fire to establish if they comply with IET Code before compensation is done.
We have staffs who are experienced and qualified (City & Guilds) to carry out PAT testing services to industrial standards set by IET Code to ensure safety all over London.

Call now on: 01753357133

Providing fire risk assesments for: